Register Now
Registration: Nov 4th - Dec 15th
Drop Off: Dec 5th - Dec 20th
Holiday Party: December 21st
Pick Up: Dec 22 - Jan 7th
Welcome to the Point Roberts Secret Santa Extravaganza at Kora's Corner! Come into the store to fill out the ‘Dear Santa' card with your whims and wishes, then draw a fellow participant's card from Santa’s Mailbox to discover your giftee. Embark on a jolly hunt for that perfect gift within the merry budget of $10 to $20. Each 'Dear Santa' card comes with a 10% off any single item intended for Secret Santa when purchased at Kora's Corner. Drop off your wrapped gift under our community Christmas tree, making sure your giftee's name is clearly marked. Join us later for a grand pick-up event filled with smiles and surprises. Unclaimed gifts will either reunite with their Santa or join a charitable cause. Feeling extra jolly? Toss a contribution into the donation box to ensure every participant receives a gift. Here's to a season of laughter, love, and the magic of community at Kora's Corner!
If you are not able to make it into the store but want to participate, please email and we will send you a digital 'Dear Santa' card.